President's Volunteer Service Award
VSF is proud to announce that we are an official certifying organization for the President's Volunteer Service Award. Community members now have the exclusive privilege of earning this award by volunteering in the community and submitting their hours to us.
In 2003, the President's Council on Service and Civic Participation founded the PVSA to recognize the important role of volunteers in America's strength and national identity and honors individuals whose service positively impacts communities in every corner of the nation and inspires those around them to take action, too. The PVSA has continued under each administration, honoring the volunteers who are using their time and talents to solve some of the toughest challenges facing our nation. This prestigious award is given to incredible leaders who go above and beyond to make the world a better place through volunteerism.
For further details, please refer to below FAQs & Forms for volunteers
Pl note: Only Permanent Residents (Green Card holders) and Citizens are eligible for these awards.
For any other question please contact VSF Outreach Team at outreach@vsfbayarea.org.
President's Volunteer Service Award - FAQ
Who is the Parent organization that leads the President's Volunteer Service Award?
It is led by the AmeriCorps and managed in partnership with Points of Light, this program allows Certifying Organizations to recognize their most exceptional volunteers.
Is VSF a certifying organization?
Yes, we are now certified to award the certification
What is the criteria for volunteer eligibility?
United States citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States (i.e., green card holder)
Must be at least five years old
Completes eligible service within a 12-month period (for annual Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards) and over a lifetime (for Lifetime Achievement Awards)
What if I'm a volunteer but I am not yet a United States citizen?
Per federal program rules, only U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents (i.e., green card holders) may be awarded the PVSA.
If you are not able to meet the above criteria, please do not fret, we still want you to volunteer and we will find ways to recognize your effort.
What services qualify for this award?
Unpaid acts of volunteer service benefiting others
Service through National service programs that provide a stipend (e.g., Peace Corps, AmeriCorps) may count towards the Lifetime Achievement Award, but not for the annual awards).
Travel stipends, transit/parking passes, membership passes, expense reimbursements, and other nominal volunteer support do not impact service eligibility
What services do not qualify for service?
Donating funds
Political lobbying (Non-partisan voter registration is an eligible activity)
Religious instruction
Conducting worship service
Volunteer service performed as part of court-ordered community service
Serving only family members
What are the service awards one can get?

What is the Family Group Award?
Award give in the name of the group, e.g. VSF Pandemic Volunteering” or “VSF Family Name”
Each member must contribute a minimum of 25 house fo their hours to count towards the group total.
Each member must meet individual eligibility requirements
An individual’s hours may count towards both the individual and group awards, e.g, a teen completing 50 hours may receive a bronze award in addition to the silver group award as a member of a class that volunteered 500 hours collectively over 12 months.
What if I had a birthday which increased my volunteer hourly category?
Age category is determined by the age a volunteer is for at least 7 months out of a designated 12-month award period.
Do all service hours need to be from the same Organization?
No, For example, a child completing 50 hours for Certifying Organization A and 50 hours for Certifying Organization B would qualify for the following awards:
A silver award from Certifying Organization A, but no awards from Certifying Organization B
A silver award from Certifying Organization B, but no awards from Certifying Organization A
A gold award representing the total 100 hours performed for both organizations presented by Organization A, where Organization B has provided Organization A with a letter summarizing the child’s volunteer record
Where Organization A has provided Organization B with a record of the volunteer’s service, Organization B may choose to order awards at all levels reached (gold, silver, and bronze)
What can I expect to get as part of the award?
The official President’s Volunteer Service Award medallion
A personalized certificate of achievement and letter signed by the current President Joe Biden
The award elements above together as a Complete Package
What about Lifetime achievement awards?
Enlarged, personalized certificate
Congratulatory letter from the President
When will the President congratulatory letter be available?
We anticipate the President’s congratulatory letter being available typically by February of the following year, unless of course there is a change in the Presidency, at which point it will be available in the summer or earlier.
You are announcing this award now, will my volunteer hours from the beginning of the year count?
Yes, your hours from the beginning of the year will be taken into account. Awards are issued for service hours served within a 12-month time period or over the course of a lifetime. For example, we will be tracking from January 1st, - December 31st in a given year.
How are the hours being tracked?
For each event we participate we will collect your Name, email, age group, total hours, award year.
Please see attached sheets (individual and group) for you to submit. You can use this to track on your own as well.
Can a volunteer track their hours?
We will make a read only option which is in the works that will allow you to view your hours accumulated so far.
What else is expected of me as a volunteer?
We would love to hear how, why and what you are volunteering for? We will submit a select few to be published nationally.
What if my organization is a United States organization but volunteers complete all of their hours outside of the United States?
You can still receive the PVSA if you are U.S. citizens or lawful permanent resident.
Will VSF take volunteer hours from non-vsf folks?
No, we will restrict it to only VSF-associated members.
What activities within VSF will count for volunteer hours?
Volunteering to assist in organizing outreach or activities that benefit the community will be considered for PVSA. For example, Youth related, outreach, assisting with websites, media, etc.
Activities that pertain to social gatherings or parties will not be considered.
What if you volunteer for a Profit company but benefit the community?
If the activity benefits the community, it will be considered.
Volunteer hours from all types of organizations can count towards the PVSA as long as the hours are unpaid and can not appear on our list of ineligible services, here: https://presidentialserviceawards.gov/eligibility.
Does volunteering at a for-profit ski center but working with blind kids (who are allowed for free) count for hours?
If the volunteer's hours working with blind kids are unpaid, you may accept and certify the hours towards the PVSA.
Who do we contact if we have more questions?
Please contact the Community outreach leads.